Friday, July 26, 2019

What does Machiavelli mean by a corrupt people What does he mean by Research Paper

What does Machiavelli mean by a corrupt people What does he mean by corrupt leaders What circumstances promote corruption Can a corrupt people be reformed - Research Paper Example The political climate in Florence was against this, as a result a civil war ensured, and led to the mass murder of people in Pistoia. In Niccollo Machiavelli’s perspective, it is better for a leader to practice cruelty, for purposes of stabilizing and protecting its people. Had Italy sent troops to Pistoia, few people would have died, as opposed to the thousands who died during the conflict. On this notion, Machiavelli states that the leaders are corrupt. This is because they are unable to protect the institutions of the state, and maintain order2. A corrupt people are those who are not loyal to the state, and this is depicted through their treachery, selfishness, ungratefulness, brutality and covetousness. In Machiavelli’s view, these people are most likely to lead to the fall of the state if their actions are not checked, and behavior’s controlled. In Niccolo Machiavelli’s view, corruption among the people emanates when the leader, is lenient to them. Machiavelli denotes that because of the brutal and selfish nature of the people, it is dangerous for a leader to become a philosopher king3. This is a leader who rules through virtue, and in consideration to the rights of his people. A leader, who practices virtue while leading the state, is a corrupt leader, because he will fail in protecting his people, and his authority. To rectify this situation, Niccollo Machiavelli argues that it is wise for a leader to practice treachery, cruelty, and authoritarian leadership. Machiavelli states that it is wise for a leader to become a lion, as the time he is a fox. Machiavelli used this example because a lion cannot avoid a trap, while a fox is powerless when attacked by a wolf4. To acquire skills of escaping the laid out traps, it is important for a leader to be a fox, and to portray strength, it is important for a leader to be a lion. On this note, to

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